Dr. Christakis Christoforou

Hippocrateon Private Hospital, Nicosia

Dr. Christoforou Christakis was born at Ayio Epifanio village, in Nicosia Cyprus in 1967. He graduated from Strovolou high school in 1985 and after completing his military duties moved in Ukraine. He studied at the Lviv National Medical University and graduated in 1996.

Returning to Cyprus he practiced Clinic Orthopaedic specialty at Nicosia General Hospital. In January of 2006 at George Papanikolaou General Hospital of Thessaloniki he successfully became a medicine professor as Surgeon with specialty in Orthopaedic.

For the past years, returning to Cyprus worked to a private office as an Orthopaedic Surgeon and Hippocrateion Hospital Collaborator. Since March 2017, continues his Orthopaedic practice at the Hippocrateon Private Hospital.